Thursday, 17 April 2014

Wood flooring in environment

Environment We Care

Timberzone Flooring is committed to buying and selling wood flooring which is made from timber sourced from sustainably managed forests. We are also a proud member's of the FSC (Forest Stwardship Council).

What does exactly the FSC Certification mean?

FSC is a global forestry certification system established for forests and forest products. It is a platform for forest owners, timber industries, social groups and environmental organizations to come together to find solutions to improve forest management practices. FSC works to ensure the permanent existence of forest areas through responsible forest management and conservation.

Forest management according to FSC’s internationally recognised standards delivers environmental services to local and global communities, including clean air and water, and contributes to mitigating the effects of climate change. FSC directly or indirectly addresses issues such as illegal logging, deforestation and global warming and has positive effects on economic development, environmental conservation, poverty alleviation and social and political empowerment.

Moreover, the idea of the FSC logo is to guarantee that the product comes from responsible sources — environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable. The FSC label can be found on a wide range of timber and non-timber products from paper and furniture to medicine and jewellery.

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